Zo^o University Logo Reverse Engineering
Reverse Engineering Open House
to our "How You Got Here" exhibit, featuring one of of the many areas of study by our Reverse Engineering students.
  1. www.z‑university.org
  2. Reverse Engineering
  3. Open House
  4. How You Got Here
And Behind the scenes ...
  1. You typed "www.z‑university.org" into your browser application.
  2. Your browser sent the domain name information (z‑university.org) to a DNS (Donain Name Server), which looked it up in its internet data base, and then told your browser the address of that domain name is IP (internet protocal) address is
  3. Your browser then sent your request over the internet to our website host's router at public IP address
  4. Our website host's router is instructed to forward all HTTP requests (port 80) to their computer at internal IP address on the local network, and on which their webserver runs.
  5. Our host's computer saw your request on its port 80, and routed it to the webserver software application (which serves multiple domains and many, many subdomains).
  6. The webserver looked up the configuration of the "www" subdomain for "www.z‑university.org."
  7. From this information, it found the memory location (directory) in which the Zo^o University home page file is stored.
  8. Fetching a copy of that file, the webserver sent it to your browser to display.
  9. When you then clicked on "Reverse Engineering" link, the request send by your browser
    was "http://www.z‑university.org/schools/RE‑home.htm#asp=ReverseEngineering."
    1. Subdomain: www
    2. Domain: z‑university.org
    3. Subdirectory: schools
  10. This time, your browser already knew the public IP address of the z‑university.org domain, and was able to send your request directly to
  11. When the webserver got the request, it looked in the base directory of www.z‑university.org and then in the "schools" subdirectory for the RE‑home.htm file, and sent a copy of it to you.
  12. When you subsequently clicked on the "Open House" link, your browser sent a request for
  13. This time our webserver found the requested page in the "open" subdirectory, and sent a copy of it to you.
  14. And finally, when you clicked on the "How you got here" link, your browser sent a request for
    And that is how you arrived on this page.
    -- Zo^o University Webmaster
Founded MMI
This site maintained by  Zo^o Staff
Last updated * 2024-03-30
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